Monday, December 5, 2011

Things I Carry

Below is a journal entry I wrote for my Intro to Fiction and Nonfiction Course.

Happy Writing :)

I never realized how much the things I carry define me. It's amazing how the things I carry on a regular basis have become a part of who I am. For example, we all carry identification, but that's something most people are taught to do. After sitting in class, I realized that Hopkins has turned me into a complete “germ-a-phob.” I carry hand sanitizer and bacteria hand wipes in all of my bags. After the H1N1 breakout during my freshman year, I refused to get sick and found myself continuously wiping down my desks and room doors. I also carry lotion. I hate having ashy hands and I can't function properly without moisturized hands. As crazy as it may sound, I have to have my hands moisturized before I can do anything. As a newly initiate of my sorority, I think it is an honor to carry around my membership
card, besides I'm supposed to. Gum is something I can't go a day
without, I mean technically speaking I can, but I'll have to soon
adjust this habit considering I'll have braces in three weeks.
Lastly, I always have Carmax or lip-gloss in my closest pocket. I
hate ashy lips more that ashy hands. I feel that people are always
looking at my mouth, therefore my lips should not be dry. I never
knew how much the things that I carry could tell a story, but I guess
that's why they are a part of my daily life.