Saturday, April 17, 2010

Problem Definition

Today's topic will focus on my problem definition for my final paper. I honestly still have not decided in my final topic yet, but I will make a final decision this weekend. As far as my problem definitions, I have a possible definition for the three topics I am debating on.

My problem definition for obesity would go some what as follows:

Obesity has become a huge problem in the United States and a rising epidemic in children ages 6-19 from 1999-2009. This issue has become so severe that it has been detected to decrease the life expectancy of children by 5 years.

My problem definition for injury prevention would be similar to this:

Noticing the obvious is sometimes an issue in the United States. Things that are most common, just seem normal, especially with injury prevention. A rising problem in injury prevention deals with children. We need to make the world a safer place for children without limiting their environment.

Lastly, I think if I were to write about health care, I would focus on quality health care for low income families. My problem statement would fall somewhere around:

Families that "make too much" money, or don't qualify under the federal poverty level, have a harder time receiving quality health care. In the United States, quality health care is not "equal" for everyone. Low income families whose income exceeds the federal poverty level due to more or less people who live in their homes, have more problems with health care.

Unitl next time, stay healthy!


1 comment:

  1. Obesity in children ages 6-19 within the United States between 1999 and 2009 increased XX%.

    As you have decided on Obesity, please begin to refine your problem definition. The statement above is more concise that your proposed problem statement. Although you may change your specific target group, location, etc., this will help guide you on a strong problem statement.

    Brad Hickey, MD, MBA
